When you hear the words "winter weather," what comes to mind? Do you think of postcard-perfect scenes like this?
Or do you see yourself standing outside in the freezing cold in a ditch somewhere in the middle of nowhere trying to get your car unstuck?
Do you think about sledding fun with the kids and making snow angels? Or maybe making snow cream and enjoying hot chocolate after playing outdoors?
Or do you think about the possibility of walking home as darkness arrives with your car stuck somewhere on the side of the road?
Maybe you remember fun-filled snow days of your childhood spent building snow castles, eating snow and having snowball fights with your siblings and the neighborhood kids.
Do you have memories of building the perfect snowman, even when there was barely enough snow to make it stick together?
Maybe you remember finding the perfect snow-covered hill for snowboarding or tubing and how much fun you had back in the day.
Maybe you remember snow day fun skiing or snowboarding at the nearest resort and look forward to sharing that fun with your kids or grandkids.
If you're like many adults, you don't look forward to bundling up to go out and shovel the car out after the snowplow comes through the neighborhood.
Or driving with white knuckles at granny speeds through snow so deep you have to struggle to keep your car in the grooves so you don't accidentally create your own lane.
And don't forget that evening commute back home in the wintry mix, hoping and praying that your car will make it up the hill.
Love it or hate it, winter has arrived. Whether you're making memories or making tracks on the snowy roads, hang in there and choose joy. The first day of spring is only a couple of months away!
Until then, I'll take what I can get when I can get it and do the best I can to face each day - even those with wintry weather - with a smile on my face, a prayer on my lips and a song in my heart.
Blogging Grandma Sandy, signing off for now.